The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden functions as southern Sweden’s collective voice for increased growth and competitiveness in the region. We work directly with the companies with the mindset that running a business in southern Sweden should be easy. We believe that the region needs an increased accessibility, the right competence and an increased integration.
How we do it
Our work consists of primarily writing reports and articles, hosting seminars and conducting an ongoing dialogue with researchers, entrepreneurs and local as well as national decision makers. It requires a combination of basic analytical work, evidence based policy proposals and the ability to communicate suggestions and conclusions to the right target audience.
Regional growth
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Southern Sweden functions as the voice of the region’s industrial life for the purpose of increased regional growth and competitiveness.
We put our main focus and dedication into three subjects that are all connected to both regional growth and competitiveness: infrastructure, competence and integration.

Intrastructure has always been a prioritized matter among Chamber of Commerce’s member companies. Access to functioning transport, communication and energy supplies are a necessity for a modern society.
We work to highlight infrastructure as a service. We have therefore developed three key concepts to complement the often technology-heavy perspective associated with infrastructure policy – functionality, reliability and user-friendliness.

In business, internationalization is a given. As customers and suppliers become international, so does the importance of international organizations with employees from other countries.
In southern Sweden we need to work on solutions that contribute to meeting the companies’ need for competence and to utilize the skills and potential of immigrants.

One of the biggest challenges facing business and industrial life is the future’s supply of competence. A challenge that affects everything from elementary school to research at universities. The Chamber of Commerce works both operatively and strategically with this issue. We focus on, among other things, teaching careers, higher vocational education and collaborations between research and industry.

Chamber of Commerce’s 100 list
This is the Chamber of Commerce’s 100 list, created to increase diversity and competence in the southern Swedish business community. The list consists of competent, experienced candidates for corporate boards, advisory boards and the like.