Hur kan ditt företag sälja till den största offentliga upphandlaren i världen: USA

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Handelskammaren, Malmö Börshus, Skeppsbron 2, Malmö



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Vid utebliven närvaro utan avanmälan debiteras 300kr.

Anmäl dig senast 8 september.

National Strategies (NSI) together with Sydsvenska Handelskammaren invite your company for a special seminar on how to successfully navigate and sell your services and products to the vast Public Sector market in the United States—the biggest buyer in the world.

Swedish companies have a lot to offer the United States in Information Technology, Med Tech, Healthcare, Transportation, Infrastructure, Public Safety, Defense, Education, Sustainable Energy Solutions, Waste Management, and other Clean Tech solutions.

In the United States there are 186,000 government entities (state, local and federal) that procure products, services, and technology to meet their various needs. In 2017 U.S. State & Local Government entities will procure services, products and solutions for a total $1.5 trillion USD. This is combined with the $480 billion USD that the US Federal Government spent the same year on services, products and solutions. $101 billion USD will be spent on Information Technology alone by state and local entities and the Federal Government will spend $81 billion USD on IT.

Join us to learn about current opportunities and future trends and needs in the U.S. public sector and most importantly how your company can expand your current U.S. activities or enter the U.S. market.

Speakers are Al Gordon, Founder & CEO, National Strategies and Gunilla Girardo, Senior Advisor – Scandinavia, National Strategies.

About NSI: National Strategies (NSI), headquartered in Washington DC, is a state and local government consulting firm that help companies identify, create, pursue and capture public sector sales opportunities. NSI has generated over $20 billion in new revenue for clients since the firms’ inception in 1995. Example of clients: IBM, Cisco Systems, Tesla, SolarCity, Astra Zeneca, MedImmune, Green Charge Networks, US Filter, Medtronic, Aramark, Northrop Grumman, Blackboard, Leapfrog, L1 Identity Solutions, and Motorola. 30% of NSI’s clients are foreign companies; 30% are large American corporations; and 40% are a mix of mid-sized companies, private equity and venture capital firms, and foreign governments.

Det finns möjlighet till individuella för dig som önskar en mer detaljer och konfidentiell diskussion om just ditt företags möjligheter. Då är du välkommen att maila Gunilla Girardo direkt på, Gunilla talar svenska.