Increasing compliance challenges in your China operations

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Vi inleder med en gemensam lunch.

Sista anmälningsdag är den 21:e februari.

Vid utebliven närvaro utgår full avgift.

The EU has unleashed what could be described as an avalanche of regulations which seek to enhance the transparency and accountability of companies on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. One of such EU initiatives is the so-called Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) which, if adopted, will introduce requirements for companies to identify and prevent, bring to an end, or mitigate the actual and potential impacts of their activities on the environment and on human rights abuses. CSDDD would oblige EU companies to conduct due diligence not just on their own operations, but also on the activities of their subsidiaries and other entities in their value chains, including Chinese business partners.

  • What are the main obligations for Swedish companies under the CSDDD and what tools and resources are available to support them to prepare for the forthcoming directive?
  • How do you discuss a “CSDDD due diligence” and potential human rights and environmental violations with your business partners in China?
  • How accustomed and receptive are Chinese companies for the due diligence that EU companies wish to do?

Together with Fredrik Svensson and Daria Yan from Mannheimer Swartling we will guide you through CSDDD and Lars-Åke Severin, PSU China, will share his experience on corporate compliance in China as well as an overview of how companies in China can strengthen their ability to create transparency according to new requirements and thus strengthen compliance.

Fredrik Svensson, Partner, Mannheimer Swartling, Malmö. Fredrik has broad international compliance experience, with focus on corruption, sanctions, counterparty and transaction assessment, anti-money laundering, business human rights and other regulatory matters. Fredrik has also significant transaction experience and often takes part in the strategic decision that leads up to an investment in more complex markets.

Daria Yan, Senior Associate, Mannheimer Swartling, Malmö. Originally from Shanghai, legally trained in Hong Kong with a master degree from Stockholm, Daria Yan has worked at Mannheimer Swartling since 2012. For the first seven years she was based in Shanghai and Hong Kong, and worked with a wide range of China/APAC matters, such as project structuring, contract negotiation, dispute resolution, intellectual property issues, export control and sanctions etc. across various industries. Since 2019 Daria is based in Malmö and has broadened her practice to include Swedish and international matters with primary focus on corporate commercial, mergers and acquisitions.

Lars-Åke Severin is founder and CEO of PSU (China) Consulting Co., Ltd with offices in Beijing since 2006 and Shanghai since 2010. He was Member of the Board of Directors of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce in China between 2011 and 2016 and its Chairman between 2016 and 2021. Lars-Åke is Chairman of PowerCell China and Member of the Board of Directors, Bulten China.

In close co-operation with Sweden China Trade Council